Monday, May 19, 2014

Moscow Dreamflash

MOSCOW - Annual festival of happiness and sharing the positive energy, bubbles and cosplay parade commonly known as the Dreamflash, was held yesterday in the capital of Russia. This event, as usual, was very long-waited and marked the final coming of summer. Similarly to the previous one, this year's Dreamflash was held at the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy, and was meant to take place from the main entrance to the Industry plaza, which is still a very huge area; but subsequently spread among all the territory of the exhibition. The parade itself was held in Moscow for the eighth (from other sources, ninth) time. During this period of time it turned from a friendly meeting and flash mob into a massive international nonprofit festival, organized within sixty cities in Russia and ten countries of the World. As Business FM's official website writes, "Moscow's Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy became the headquarters of the event both last year and this one". Above all, it is now considered as one of main Moscow's attractions for both muscovites and tourists. The Sydney Morning Herald claimed this event as one of the "Best of the world" - which is the newspaper's column about international events. It is known as an event where people indulge in childhood, an event where your best friend is a person who you see for the first time.
As usual, the festival was characterized as a huge meeting of people who share their happiness with each other, and a depression prophylaxis. As usual, there were people dressed up in a variety of crazy costumes their imagination could come up with, but the dress-code was the only one: bubbles.
This year everything was organized properly and the majority of attendees felt very happy and took an unforgettable impression with them. It could be easily noticed that the Dreamflash becomes more popular, and its organization more complex. Due to similar location, it was very easy to compare with the same event last year, and the first thing that changed was the number of people who came. It could not be counted exactly, but to compare, in 2013 the crowd left the subway station by 15:00, while this year it was still crowded at 16:00 because all the people could not make it there (keep in mind that both last year and this one the event started at 14:30). Traffic, as reported, was very hard in greater Moscow area around that time (mid-day), which was not reported nor observed before. Some sources reported a crush between 14:15 and 15:00 while others did not confirm this information. The official web-site of Moscow subway warned of it in advance and suggested to use alternative routes of communication.
The main characteristics of the event were as following: in the beginning, a giant balloon was released in the air to announce the beginning of the festival. The festival itself this year was accompanied with symphony orchestra. According to The Village, anyone could become a participant of the festival freely, with a costume or without it. A variety of smaller events, such as concerts of Brazilian carnival music band "Samba Real", African-style musicians and dancers "Sofoli" (which impressed its audience the most), dancing and best costume competitions and bubble-blowing battles were also held without charge or asking for admission. Fairy-tale and sci-fi characters, stilts, movie and cartoon cosplayers, jumpers, brides and grooms were all there. The official web-page of the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy described the event as "many-thousand bad mood fighters' march".

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