Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Special

This sunny day marked the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 tragedy, the fall of World Trade Center towers in New York City. All around the World, mourning ceremonies were held today, just like they were held twelve times before, each year, as a tribute to those 2977 people for whom that day was the last. We will never know who stood behind it, but another anniversary makes us think about those 2977 souls. In today's papers, a lot of new stories from the families of those who were killed there, were published for the first time, and here is one of them, from the New York Times:
That was the story on page one, continued on A21:
The heartbreaking moments, described by the people, were concluded with another story from Metro Boston. Not only New York was shocked that day, fear spread everywhere. Boston is an example:
I attended the 9/11 memorial at Northeastern University, which was dedicated to a student of it who fell there. It must be said that the ceremony, brief and peaceful, was held very unorganized. It started at half past eleven, and from all the university's students and staff only about two hundred persons attended. The memorial is situated between three halls, and obviously a lot of people pass by this place. The period of time before noon is always a rush hour on campus, and those who came to see the ceremony blocked the way for those who intended to pass by. A small crush occurred.
Moreover, the microphones worked so quietly, almost did not worked at all, so the people who stood in the back, like me, could not hear what they were talking about. President Aoun, some old lady after him and a guy gave their speeches, which I, unfortunately, misheard. A guy sang a song in the end about love, peace and hope, and welcomed others in the crowd to join him, however, almost nobody did, and those who did sang very quietly, which could be expected. I (and I believe much more from the crowd) did not know the lyrics at all or heard this song for the first time. At the end, it was offered to take a decorative stone and place it at the memorial or take it and keep as a keepsake.
That's all for today. I wonder for how many years will this tragic event be remembered. But I know that as long as we remember it and keep it in our hearts, we are protected from being stroke by the similar disaster.

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